May Neighborhood Science

We have one more Neighborhood Science event for the month of May! See details below. At Neighborhood Science, previous SUTS speakers will present at different library branches in the Austin area.

Howson Branch Library, 2500 Exposition Blvd, Austin, TX 78703

Bleached coral. Credit: National Marine Sanctuaries

Tuesday, May 31st 6:00-7:00pm CDT: Carly Scott – “Coral Bleaching: An On-Again-Off-Again Relationship

You’ve probably seen photos of completely white – or bleached – coral reefs. This bleaching happens as sea temperatures rise and can be deadly for corals. However, coral bleaching is really the “break-up” between the coral animal and tiny algae partners that live within their cells. Who are these partners? What causes this relationship breakdown? Why are some corals more resistant to warming seas than others? 

Through this talk, we’ll explore the relationship between corals and their algae and how scientists assess which reefs are most at risk.

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