Spring 2023 Schedule

Welcome to 2023 and we hope you are ready for some fantastic talks this spring! Please mark your calendars for our four splendid speakers presenting cool biology on the second Thursday of every month:

Science Under the Stars is a free public outreach lecture series in Austin, Texas. Events are held outdoors at Brackenridge Field Laboratory, 2907 Lake Austin Blvd, Austin, Texas 78703. Due to the pandemic, we may change to a virtual venue to keep our attendees and organizers safe, depending on advice from our epidemiologist colleagues. Please keep an eye on the specific event announcements to determine if they will be held in person or on zoom!

Note: We will post the precise schedules and links for each event in a separate, event-specific post. Subscribe to this blog, our Instagram, Twitter, YouTube channel, Facebook page, or send us emails to get event notifications.

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